Cross Training

So my hubby is about five weeks away from running the Chicago Marathon. Big, huge challenge to say the least. As he’s been training for his huge challenge, I continue on with my own challenge of writing the greatest YA novel of all times (NO PRESSURE IN OUR HOUSE). He spoke a few times about…



The other day I was in the midst of digging deep into the minds of my characters, and with that, dug deeper into my own mind, my own soul. Love was the topic at hand one mid morning, mid-way into one of my scenes. I stopped for a second to reflect on such a common,…


Optimism vs. Realism

Is it possible to be an optimist and realist at the same time? If you’re too optimistic, does that mean that you’ve got your head in the clouds and your a dreamer? Where does optimism stop and “dreamer state” start? On the other side of the coin, can someone be too realistic? Does that mean…


“There’s a Fine Line…”

Last week proved to be quite dramatic in our house, one marked by a constant reminder of how thin a line it is that we walk in all aspects of our lives. The most obvious drama we experienced was one revolving around Holy week and one in which the Christian calendar and Jewish calendar overlapped.…


What’s Up with the Artichoke?

Since I’ve had several people (okay, just about everyone) ask me for the meaning behind the Artichoke reference in the title of the blog, I shall explain: In my opinion, everything in life can be explained in terms of an artichoke. In the case of my title, the artichoke is referencing family (the Aristotle is…


Go With Your Gut

On Monday, Lego Boy’s (our son) eye specialist confirmed that his vision disorder is now successfully corrected. This made me feel the need to reprint an article I wrote for Chicago Parent in November of ’07 (names are changed to protect the innocent) in order to spread the word about vision disorders. Through our experience,…
