Since Wish I Could Have Said Goodbye is out there in the world, Carmella D’Agostino has become very real to people and her story has sparked so many questions from readers wanting to know more about her — and me. Is she real? Is she me? Is she someone I know or did I make her up? Is she parts of real people? Readers also want to know if I lost a sister or someone close to me.
First of all, Carmella is a completely made up character, and you probably already know, the characters we love the most are almost always fabricated in the mind of the writer. One thing about Carmella (and all of my characters) is they find strength in finding humor in their life. This is one trait that definitely comes from me and who I am. Humor is how I deal with life, and it is how I cope.
Second, I did lose my older sister, so I know first hand what it feels like to lose someone you love. Writing is what got me through the toughest days of adjusting to my life without a big sister. It was the darkest time in my life. I was lucky to have family and friends who really worked hard to help me cope with my loss. I think losing people we love is the hardest thing in life to deal with, which is why I wanted to write a book about it.
So now what about you? Did Carmella seem like someone you know? Did you worry about her? Did you want to see her continue on with her life and her story after the book ended? What other things do you want to know about me and my writing. Drop me a comment, let me know. I’d love to hear from you.
Till next time…